ArchiveSeptember 2019

Iran has the world’s fastest-growing church


Iran has the world’s ‘fastest-growing church,’ despite no buildings – and it’s mostly led by women A new film tells the story of the “fastest-growing church” in the world, an underground, persecuted Christian movement in a country known for exporting radical Islamic terrorism — Iran. People in Iran, a Muslim-majority nation, are fleeing Islam in droves as believers bow...

All hell will break loose


Revival: All hell will break loose The following is a quote from The Fire of Revival, by M.I. Luen, a man God used powerfully in the 1976 Nagaland Revival (Himalayas, India) Luen describes above, is very much the experience of most revivalists. “Trials and tribulations began coming to us. And yes, it was like a storm. Reports of lies came against our works, suspicions arose, and we were...

John the Baptist


‪John the Baptist said: “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” So what shall we then call preaching and teaching and witnessing where there is not a transfer of fire…?

Three definitions of revival – by people that were in revival


Duncan Campbell (Revival in the Hebrides) He wrote, “When I speak about revival, I do not mean a time of religious entertainment, with crowds gathering to hear and enjoy an evening of bright gospel singing; I do not mean a well-organised evangelistic crusade with ever-so-many converts. Revival is rather a going of God among the people, an awareness of His presence, His holiness, His fear...
